1. 在Stern MBA申請網頁中有規定,如果你已經在美國拿過MBA,是絶對無法申請的。不只Stern,很多學校都有這樣的規定。
請看「Our Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree is open to qualified persons who hold a four-year bachelor's degree from accredited colleges or universities in the United States, or an equivalent degree from foreign countries (see our list of recommended degrees). If you have already earned an MBA from another college or university within the U.S., you are not eligible for admission.」
2. Stern和大部分其他Top B-schools一樣,都很重視工作經驗和在職表現。沒有工作經驗基本上是不用考慮申請的,最少要工作兩年比較保險,平均工作經驗是五年左右。
關於工作經驗,申請網頁中也有寫「Most applicants have between one and 10 years of work experience and come from a variety of professional backgrounds, such as consulting, financial services, entertainment, consumer products, not-for-profit and technology. Because we value the diversity of our applicants' backgrounds, no industry is favored over another. 」
希望有回答到你的問題。建議先上Stern MBA申請網頁http://w4.stern.nyu.edu/admissions/fulltime/applyingtostern.cfm?doc_id=834 仔細讀一遍規定。